VIDEOS. The Squadra Corsa is eliminated from Sardinia and goes to the final

Here Race Team dominated this first semi-final of the Corsica Cup against Sardinia with a hat-trick from Benjamin Santelli (8′, 32′, 60′).

In a one-sided match, the band Yannick Cahuzac made short work of a young and visibly inexperienced Sardinian team.

The Corsi opened the scoring from the penalty spot through Santelli (8′) before creating several opportunities. Logically, the Team took the lead with a double by Santelli (32′) after a long phase of dominance for several minutes.

In the second half, Cabella used his technique to force the defense and serve behind Santelli who scored the hat-trick (60′).

The Racing Team will face the winner of tomorrow’s match (7 pm) between San Martino and Sicily in the final of the tournament this Saturday.

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