Is it really possible to reduce your biological age? A geriatrician is calling

Chronological age corresponds to the age of our marital status. It starts from our birth and counts for years. We endure this! It does not reflect the correct aging of our body, which varies from individual to individual due to genetic and environmental factors, exposure to risk factors and lifestyle habits. This is what scientists prefer to talk about todaybiological age, physiological or functional, a reflection of the real age of our cells, our organs and our functions. This biological age can be lower or higher than our chronological age: we can be 65 years old and have a biological age 10 years lower, or even 20 years lower, or vice versa!

Slowing down our biological age: it is possible!

There are several approaches to biological age: a very futuristic and dream-like one based on genetics (telomeres for example) and the use of serum biomarkers from a blood test and others more pragmatic, realistic, based on phenotypic biomarkers, namely bone, muscle, cognitive, visual, auditory aging etc. » informs Professor Eric Boulanger, who leads the tempoforme® program, the path to good aging in the Hauts-de-France. ” With this pragmatic and realistic approach, we can reduce our biological age! » shows Professor Boulanger.

Reduce our biological age by acting on our functions

The approach of our program is focused on the two main dysfunctions (physical and cognitive) that can lead us to addiction, and the goal is to avoid entering addiction by assessing fragility and pre-fragility in advance. », explains Professor Eric Boulanger.

These states of metabolic, nutritional, neuro-sensory and cognitive fragility and prefragility are reversible if detected. », says the geriatrician. It is then possible to reverse these signs of fragility at an early age – from the age of 45, ideally even earlier – and thus slow down biological aging.

Professor Boulanger gives us examples of reversible functional frailties: screening and surgical intervention cataract as soon as there is a functional repercussion that allows slowing down the aging of this function, examination and early treatment of presbycusis with equipment if necessary, osteopenia (phase before presbycusisosteoporosis) with the implementation of hygiene and dietary rules (increased intake vitamin D, calcium and physical activity, especially Nordic walking) to avoid osteoporosis, sarcopenia, which is reversible by increasing protein intake and physical activity… The goal is to age better. That is a more realistic goal than eternal youth!

Choose the right lifestyle

At the same time, you can influence your lifestyle from an early age!

From biological age it is related to cellular aging and depends on the choices you make; good nutrition, regular exercise, peaceful sleep and an environment that enables a certain quality of life will help you in this. keep lower (even if the years pass).

In particular, you can be a 35-year-old person, a smoker, under stress, a lover of processed food and a serious lack of sleep… Then you will have a higher biological age than a 50-year-old person who has adopted healthy habits all his life.

Read on to move on : I decided from grow old GOOD, Long time in Good healthEditions by Odile Jacob, 2021./

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