this white powder that takes on the codes of cocaine may be legal, it is not without risk

Like cocaine, Sniffy is sold by the gram and inhaled through a straw provided by the manufacturer.
Peter Dazeley/Getty Images Like cocaine, Sniffy is sold by the gram and inhaled through a straw provided by the manufacturer.

Peter Dazeley/Getty Images

Like cocaine, Sniffy is sold by the gram and inhaled through a straw provided by the manufacturer.

ADDICTION – A white powder sold in grams that is inhaled through one nostril using a small straw that is provided and provides instant energizing effects. If the product was not available in a multitude of tempting flavorsSniffy looks exactly like cocaine.

This new recreational substance has been talked about since the review of the TV show M6 The Big Week Saturday broadcast was released this Tuesday, May 21st on Instagram. The journalist was surprised by the presence of such a product in stores.

“Sniffer.” The name of the powder is unambiguous and does not hide that it follows all the codes generally associated with cocaine. Marseille CBD manufacturer Highbuy has created this cocktail of caffeine, creatine, L-citrulline, taurine, beta alanine, maltodextrin and L-arginine. IN 20 minutesThe head of the company, who wishes to remain anonymous, recognizes this commercial strategy, but insists on the legality of the product: “Make no mistake, Sniffy is legal. »

A product which “popularizes the world of cocaine”

With its “energizing” composition, Sniffy was presented by its creator as a “dietary supplement” and is sold legally in certain tobacco shops. If the product is still hard to come by, doctors are no less worried.

Contacted HuffPostBernard Basset, doctor specialist in public health and presidentAddiction Association France, says that he was warned about the existence of this product a few days ago thanks to the members of his association. If the product, according to him, is not addictive due to its composition, Sniffy still remains dangerous.

The real problem is the message behind it and the uncanny resemblance to cocaine. This product trivializes the use of recreational stimulants and popularizes the world of cocaine through a gesture that is scandalous » he explains.

Risks of overdose and injury

Spending is also not without risk. For Guillaume Grzych, a medical biologist specializing in biochemistry at the Lille University Hospital interviewed 20 minutescomponents do not have to individually pose a hazard, but rather a risk “these are doses and methods of consumption, which can lead to overdose and have long-term consequences”.

Method of application of the product, which is inhaled through the nose to get the substance into the bloodstream immediately, also poses a risk of damaging the nasal septums, according to the expert he spoke to 20 minutes.

Bernard Basset doesn’t seem surprised the role played by stores in this marketing. “The legal sale of this product is not surprising, since tobacco shops sell to minors in two-thirds of cases, not forgetting their earnings from smokes. These are facilities that want to diversify in the conditions of a decline in tobacco sales and that have the complacency of the state. »

Product variations in different fruit flavors can only remind of the disposable electronic cigarettes that are so popular among young people. The creator of Sniffy, however, denies that he wanted to cause a stir and promises that he will not target young people. It remains to be seen whether the General Directorate for Market Competition, Consumer Protection and Fraud Prevention will agree with him.

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