Agave syrup, benefits and uses

Agave is a plant that mainly grows in Mexico, although today it is found in all warm and dry regions. Therefore,agave americana for example, it has adapted particularly well to the Mediterranean climate. But it isblue agave, Or agave of tequilawhich we will talk about today: popular and appreciated, it is this plant that is used in the composition of tequila and mezcal, but also agave syrup.

Agave syrup, natural sugar

It’s agave syrup natural sweetener which comes from the extraction juice of cactusagave, which grows on the volcanic soils of southern Mexico.

Agaves are large plants that also resemble yuccas and the yucca family. aloe vera. There are more than 100 varieties, but it is the most used Blue Agaveagavecar piña, because it contains the most fructose.

Agave, the miraculous honey water of the Aztecs

THE nectar Or agave syrup has been used for a long time in Mexico and was already known to the Aztecs who appreciated its light taste. Fabulous nectar, that’s also the name of this syrup agave nectar« honey water ” or ” aguamiel “, because more liquid than honey.

agave syrup

Exploitation of blue agave in Mexico – © T photography

Light blue agave syrup is a sweet sap obtained from the blue agave plant, a cactus that grows in Mexico. Filtered and concentrated by evaporation, it naturally consists of fructose (natural fruit sugar).

If the Aztecs gave agave as a sacrifice to the gods, they enriched food and drink with its syrup. Agave was also used for purposes therapeuticespecially as an antibacterial agent for the treatment of skin diseases.

Agave can also be used for fproduces natural fibers for making vegan textiles.
Learn more – also read: No more worm farming, long live agave silk

Agave syrup makes honey anti-sugar

Agave syrup is therefore a natural sweetener. Cactus extract and a very low glycemic index, agave syrup is therefore a very good ingredient for anyone who wants to limit their sugar intake.

However do not substitute agave syrup for sweetener : this product should be consumed in moderation, as it helps to increase the level sugar in the blood

How is agave syrup made?

For the production of agave syrup, which mainly consists of fructose, it is necessary squeeze the juice from the heart of the pineapple, when the plant is between 7 and 10 years old. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the leaves to reveal the heart (piña), which really resembles a pineapple, and weighs between 25 and 75 kg.

agave syrup

Agave piña ready for syrup, tequila or mezcal © Bernardo Ramonfaur

The agave juice is then filtered and gently heated to hydrolyze the carbohydrates into sugar. The agave juice is then concentrated into a liquid syrup. It is this evaporation process that accounts for the difference between one brand in its sweet intensity and fluidity.

Did you know?
The main carbohydrate in agave syrup is a complex form fructose called inulin.

It’s agave syrup acceptable food for vegans who can use it as a substitute for honey.

Ideas for using agave syrup

As Steviaagave syrup is one of the new ones the stars of our kitchens. Its nutritional qualities, high sweetening power, light color and neutral taste make it an easy food for everyday use, in many preparations and dishes.

Agave syrup for sweetening drinks or yogurt

Agave syrup goes especially well with hot drinks like green tea and mint tea.

Unlike sugar or honey, agave syrup it dissolves very well in cold liquids. Sweeter at low temperatureso it’s perfect for sweeten smoothies, iced teas and juicesbut also for sweeten yogurts, fresh cheeses or fruit salads.

Agave syrup for cooking

Agave syrup is useful for sweeten cold : thanks to its liquid appearance, you do not need to heat the preparations to add sugar.

Agave syrup is very useful in pastry shop and easy to use in cake batter and other sweet preparations.

Practical advice

You can replace 100 grams of sugar with 75 g of agave syrup

Agave can replace sugar in cakes, marbled, madeleines, chocolate or fruit cakes. It’s perfect like filling for crepes or crepes.

agave syrup

Excellent on pancakes © Natalia Hanin

For fruit preparations (compotes, coulis, etc.), the light agave syrup fits perfectly at the end of cooking.

Agave syrup softens in seconds salty or sour sauce or for example, turn pepper and tomato sauce into chutney.

Agave syrup for decorating desserts

Agave syrup for aesthetics : agave syrup gives the final touch to delicacies and gives them shine.

For example, to make a lemon tart shine, simply brush the cream with agave syrup with the back of a spoon.

Very practical for whipped cream or to make your fruit dish shine: simply roll them in agave syrup for an instant shine. Likewise, add a few drops of agave syrup to a strawberry shortcake or a bowl of red fruit, which can give them a shine.
agave, favoriteagave syrup
Organic agave syrup

It is an alternative to white sugar in all pastry and bakery recipes and drinks (coffee, tea). NaturGreen organic agave syrup is suitable for vegetarian and vegan diets.

To discover at Bébé

Benefits and advantages of agave syrup

Too much sugar, especially refined sugar, is not good for your health. However, the annual consumption of refined sugar reaches 70 kg per person. So much sugar is a factor that increases the risk of developing cancer and arteriosclerosis.

Agave has great sweetening power, and yet it is glycemic index is very low (15) compared to that of white sugar (70) or honey (85), but it depends on the cultivation method and the production process. Therefore, it can be used as a sweetening product with a neutral and universal taste.

The Sugar Saga © Anna Mente

Agave syrup also has fewer calories than white sugar (350 kcal per 100 g compared to 400 kcal for white sugar)

Did you know?
Depending on the cultivation method and the processing process, the glycemic index of agave syrup can vary from 15 to 90.
Therefore, it is very important opt for organic syrupto controlled production and checking the glycemic index before purchase.

Nutritional properties of agave

As we have seen, 2 tablespoons of agave syrup replace 100 g of sugar without losing flavor. Agave syrup has power 40% sweeter from sucrose while providing fewer calories.

Agave syrup naturally contains:

  • from iron
  • from calcium
  • potassium
  • from magnesium
  • mineral salts
  • from silicon dioxide which, associated with calcium, plays an important role in the prevention of decalcification and osteoporosis that threaten aging

Health benefits of agave syrup

We can still recommend the consumption of agave syrup as a substitute for traditional sugar to affected people overweight or have high rates cholesterol or triglycerides.

The use of agave syrup in sugar substitute it helps prevent a sudden rise in blood sugar and thus a peak blood sugar level (insulin peak – the hypoglycemic hormone secreted in response to a rise in blood sugar).

It’s agave syrup less cariogenic rather than refined sugar. In other words, eat more agave and you will have less caries but with white sugar.

Agave for sweetening tea © Daria Kulkova

The last advantage of agave syrup: it can be used as antibacterial to treat mild infections and certain skin diseases.

Agave syrup, watch out for excess sugar

High sugar consumption increases insulin levels in the body and the risk of developing cancer. Indeed, insulin secretion is accompanied by the release of IGF (growth factor). IGF stimulates the growth of cells, including cancer cells, but also stimulates the production of factors released during the inflammatory response, which also aid tumor proliferation.

Also Read – Live better everyday with your diabetes

Another obstacle to using agave syrup: the fructose content

High consumption of agave syrup, naturally rich in fructose, can increase the level of triglycerides in the blood. However, triglycerides are fats and can promote the development of cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, fructose remains a fattening sugar.

Other limitations of agave syrup

The fashion for agave syrup around the world raises other concerns such as the method of extracting the juice (sometimes chemical). Furthermore, the impact of its production and import on the environment is not positive.

With its great sweetening power, agave syrup is a good way to reduce your sugar intake, which can help limit weight gain. However, it is not a sweetener, as is often believed: therefore, it should be consumed in moderation because, despite its low glycemic index, it contributes to an increase in blood sugar levels.

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