Unemployment insurance: the new reform comes into force in December, Gabriel Attal announces

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal announced in an interview with La Tribune Dimanche the general drafts of the unemployment insurance reform that will tighten the conditions of access to benefits from December 1 and which the government considers a step towards full employment.

With this reform, which was presented to the social partners by Minister Catherine Vautrin in recent days, and contested by the unions, the executive power hopes to return 90,000 people to the labor market and achieve savings of around 3.6 billion euros.

Under the new rules, which the executive wants to establish by decree without going through parliament, it will be necessary to work eight months in the last 20 months, instead of six months in the last 24 months, to use unemployment benefits. “We have shown that we are not doomed to mass unemployment, but if we do not reform unemployment insurance today, we risk stopping on the way to full employment.”, explained the prime minister in an interview.

“Fuel that will enable us to create more and more work”

“This reform is therefore the fuel that will allow us to create even more jobs in our country.” “as we reduce the membership reference period, this will affect the duration of the fee”he added, specifying that it will go from 18 months to 15 months. “At the same time, we are massively strengthening support with France Travail“, he continued.

The government also wants to expand to more than 7 sectors that are currently in question a “bonus Malus“In order to fight against the abuse of short-term contracts, it is a project that will be the subject of consultations led by the Minister of Labour.

There is also a return-to-work incentive for over-57s, with the option of combining unemployment benefits for a year with a new job that pays less than the old one. “We make these decisions responsibly. This unemployment insurance reform will take effect in the fall. I was talking about the “autumn of work”. We will issue the decree on July 1 so that it will come into force on December 1″.said Gabriel Attal.

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