Editorial: “Macron promises Mirage 2000 planes to Ukraine”

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Emmanuel Macron mixed last night the commemoration of the landing and the electoral campaign with some days of the European elections? This is evidence that he himself confirmed. He discussed the Ukrainian war at length, with an announcement, the delivery to Kiev at the end of the year of French fighter jets, Mirage 2000s, as well as the training of their future pilots. He also defended Ukraine’s authorization to attack Russia in the areas from which its missiles are fired. Referring to the ceasefire in Gaza and the policies of Benyamin Netanyahu, he confirmed that the head of government remained “a completely legitimate interlocutor”. On the question of recognizing a Palestinian state, Macron rejected his objections: “We do not recognize a state on the basis of outrage. We are trying to do this in a process that guarantees everyone’s security. We cannot recognize a Palestine that will always have Hamas in its tunnels. Time will come and France will.

“The specter of a Europe paralyzed by an extreme right”

On the European elections and his repeated interventions, which are going to hit him from all the opposition, from the Republicans to France Insoumise including Raphaël Glucksmann who all commit to Arcom, the audiovisual regulator, for that his speech time is deducted, three days before. the European elections, he claimed the need to mobilize “our compatriots” to go vote on Sunday.

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A roundabout way, according to the opponents of the president, to give a boost to their candidate, who is late for the National Rally. “Speaking on June 6 is important for memory and life and speaking about Europeans, it is essential for the life of the country and it is also my role,” argued Emmanuel Macron, saying he wanted to stay “above” the partisan struggle. A statement that did not convince the other parties.

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While the RN is well ahead in the polls, the president raised the specter of a Europe paralyzed by an extreme right that would have come into force in the European Parliament and would have a blocking minority. “During the pandemic, you didn’t have vaccines,” the president said. Asked about his inability to stop the progress of the extreme right, Emmanuel Macron finally got involved and tried to defend his action, yielding to a clumsy formula, if not a slip of the tongue: “I’m here to talk “. That is precisely what his opponents accuse him of.

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