Jean-Marcel Bouguereau’s editorial: “Tomorrow, reaffirm the power of Europe”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov accused the French president of fueling tensions in Europe with his statements described by the Kremlin as extremely “provocative” about Ukraine. The Russian fury was doubled by the presence of the Ukrainian president at the landing ceremonies, where Putin was not invited, and, yesterday, by the presence of Volodymyr Zelensky as a guest of honor at the National Assembly.

The editorial team advises you

But the opposition does not come only from Moscow: Jordan Bardella denounced the sending of Mirage to Ukraine, believing that Emmanuel Macron is committed to “A dangerous game.” Manon Aubry, head of the LFI list, said: “If we want to be effective, France must start to stop directly financing the war in Ukraine by directly financing Russia by importing Russian liquefied gas.” For his part, Fabien Roussel, the general secretary of the French Communist Party, denounces an escalation: “The president only chooses the military escalation by franchising the red lines he had established. Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech does not change anything.”

Moreover, for this speech, neither the RN nor France Insoumise saw fit to participate. What crime had Ukraine committed to deserve such contempt from the nation’s representatives? Yesterday, the head of the PCF had Daladier-style accents to chastise Macron and Zelensky for leading to World War III. The same tone of Arnaud Le Gall, LFI deputy for Val-d’Oise, who denounces the fact that France is in “direct confrontation with a nuclear power”.

US President Joe Biden, for his part, announced a new US aid of $225 million to President Zelensky. He also presented, for the first time, a public apology to the Ukrainian president for the months-long delay in American military assistance that allowed Russia to advance on the battlefield.

The president insisted that the United States will support Ukraine in the long term. France, Germany and Poland have become, before the European elections, targets of permanent Russian disinformation attacks. Going to vote on Sunday, reaffirming our European commitment, means opposing democracy to these evil forces, more or less sold to the Kremlin which continues its posture by sending Russian warships and a nuclear submarine to Cuba.

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