2024 legislative elections: François Rebsamen wants a large central bloc to “avoid the RN coming to power”

The mayor of Dijon, François Rebsamen, assumes public office for the first time after the European elections, the dissolution of the National Assembly and in view of the early parliamentary elections on June 30, 2024.

At the invitation of our colleagues from Franceinfo Wednesday June 12, 2024, the former socialist minister of François Hollande calls for a gathering in the center of the political spectrum, around the candidacies of the presidential majority, faced with “extreme danger from the rule of the extreme right”.

“Helping create a large central block”

In his press conference this Wednesday, President Emmanuel Macron called for a gathering of those who “knew how to say no to extremes“. Invitation shared by François Rebsamen: “I will even help to constitute a large central bloc to prevent France from being in extreme danger of being ruled by the extreme right.

I consider it my duty to do everything to avoid the coming to power of RN Le Pen I. appeal to all former socialists, or socialists, facing with the dangers of the extreme right..

“We face great danger, continues the mayor of Dijon. Social democrats, radicals, environmentalists, Christian Democrats, who do not share extremism, violence, chaos for our country, must work together. I’m not the only one saying that.”

Grouping around which ideas? “A certain number of measures that have not been taken, for example around social justice”answers François Rebsamen, referring for example to sanctions for companies that employ elderly people on short contracts.

The president of the Dijon metropolis clarifies his point of view. “I call for a gathering of the left, of all progressive republicans. I call on them to join us in a big central block, where we can have our influence.

And the president of the Republic, when the time comes, with his prime minister, will have to listen to us, for more social justice, for more fiscal justice. Why can’t we create it everywhere else in Europe?.

For François Rebsamen, this coalition is the only alternative: “That central block must be guided by the interests of France. It is the only one capable of being the majority and preventing the arrival of the FN, which would damage the image of our country in the world.

This country, and a symbol of human rights, we would show it the face of racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia.”.

“We cannot sacrifice values ​​to preserve a few seats”

What does François Rebsamen think People’s Front, an alliance of different left-wing parties (LFI, PS, EELV, PC) for this parliamentary election in 2024? For an elected official of Dijon, “the alliance with the extreme left that is being prepared, anti-European, ambiguous about Ukraine, anti-nuclear, is not a solution.

We cannot, I say to all my friends, former comrades, sincere democrats and social democrats, we cannot sacrifice values ​​to save a few parliamentary seats, that is my cry from hearts”.

Far right and far left, the same fight for the mayor of Dijon? Not. “If I were to choose in the second round between the RN candidate and the LFI candidate, I would look to see who the LFI candidate is, because I am obviously fiercely against the anti-Semitic attitudes that I have heard, don’t put the equal sign, I vote on the left, of course”answers François Rebsamen.

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