Hamas responded to the truce proposed by Biden

“Hamas said on Tuesday it had given mediators its response to a US-backed Gaza ceasefire proposal, demanding some ‘amendments’ by arrangement”, reports Politically. Group text “seems far from the full acceptance the United States has demanded, but leaves the door open for negotiations” about a possible truce, the American portal assesses.

The plan unveiled by the US president on May 31 – and endorsed by the UN Security Council – envisages, in the first phase, a six-week truce accompanied by an Israeli withdrawal from the densely populated areas of Gaza and the release of certain Hamas hostages and Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. A permanent ceasefire would be negotiated only in the second phase of the plan.

But according to Ha’Aretz, Hamas would particularly demand “a schedule for a permanent ceasefire and the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip, including Rafah.”

Hamas response “under study”

The foreign ministries of Qatar and Egypt – key mediators alongside the United States – confirmed that they had Hamas’s response in hand and would study it.

The United States also confirmed that it had received Hamas’s counter-proposal. John Kirby, the White House national security spokesman, said US officials were in the process“estimate” group requirements.

“Earlier on Tuesday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken assured that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ‘reaffirmed his commitment’ according to the cease-fire plan in Gaza” and “The world was waiting for Hamas’ answer”, emphasizes BBC.

Also on Tuesday, official Israeli sources even confirmed it “The cease-fire proposal presented by Biden makes it possible to achieve the goals of the war, namely the release of the hostages and the destruction of Hamas,” he thinks he knows La Repubblica.

“Positive but vague statements”

But hours after Hamas’s communication, the tone changed in the Hebrew state, with an Israeli official estimating, on condition of anonymity, that Hamas “rejected a proposal to release the hostages presented by President Biden”.

For this manager, “Hamas changed the main parameters of the proposal” in such proportions that a “refusal” purely and simply of the original plan, explain The Times of Israel.

“Hamas leaders quickly challenged” this interpretation, reports CNN : “The response of Hamas and the Palestinian factions to the truce proposal was responsible, serious and positive. The answer is in line with the demands of our people and the resistance and paves the way for an agreement.”said Izzat Al-Rishq, a member of the Hamas political bureau.

With regard to these exchanges, The New York Times miracles on “the will of Israel and Hamas” from “make a deal”. Because “Each side makes positive but vague statements about the ceasefire plan and accuses the other of prolonging the war that has devastated Gaza. But neither has yet said they will officially adopt the proposal. by Joe Biden.

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