Why Tess Barthélemy, the daughter of Judith Godrèche, was the victim of hateful comments after her visit to Cannes?

Protagonist of the short film “Me Too”, directed by her mother Judith Godrèche, Tess Barthélemy walked the red carpet of the Croisette on May 15. But her choice of dress has sparked hateful reactions and scorn.

Opening of the category “In Some Perspective” at the Cannes Festival, the short film by Judith Godrèche, entitled “I also”French translation of “Me too” which obviously echoes the free speech movement in the film industry.

The film, directed by the 52-year-old actress, highlights the struggle of many victims of sexist and sexual violence, through thousands of testimonies collected in recent months. It presents in particular Tess Barthélémy, the only 19-year-old daughter of Judith Godrèche.


Mother and daughter walked the red carpet together and climbed the steps of the Festival Palace together. But the passage of the young actress did not escape the malice of Internet users: because of the choice of her dress – a black dress with an open back and a neckline – Tess Barthélemy was the victim of “slut-shaming”.

To remember, this phenomenon consists of stigmatizing a woman because of her clothes, her attitude or her sexuality. A practice that perpetuates sexual and gender violence and contributes to the culture of rape.

Hateful and distressing comments

The young woman was therefore the target of hateful and contemptuous comments. “Funny, mom will present her (younger) daughter naked to producers and directors, as long as hunger doesn’t sleep with a 50-year-old white male she met in Cannes”comments one user.

“There is nothing to be done, but in 25 years she will also complain that she was beaten at 19 without knowing her will.” we can read in another comment even more distressing of debility.

Poor reactions that arouse a wave of anger from many personalities, journalists and collectives, such as the “Fraîches” media that, on its Instagram page, recalls that“No dress justifies sexual and gender-based violence”.

Le Figaro indicates that on the steps of Cannes, Judith Godrèche and her daughter Tess, accompanied by the entire crew of the film “Me Too” had taken a pose, with their hands over their mouths, to denounce the omerta in the world of cinema facing violence against women.

The film crew "I also" He took a position, hands placed over his mouth, to denounce the silence of the film industry in the face of violence against women.
The film crew of “Me Too” put their hands over their mouths to denounce the silence of the film industry in the face of violence against women.
MAXPPP – Doug Peters

Cut your mouth, an attitude that some would benefit from learning.

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