Rally against the increase in water prices and for the maintenance of the DSP in Deshaies

No to the increase in water prices and yes to the delegation of the public service for water management in Deshaies, is the message that Jeanny Marc wants to convey, who sent an open letter to her citizens. The trade union council of the SMGEAG (Guadeloupe joint water and sewer management union) actually informed the municipality of the new provisions, including prices that would increase by 80%.

Significant changes

“We were stunned to learn of the significant changes,” his open letter reads. This especially applies to the price of water, but also to the abolition of the differentiated tariff with the application of a single tariff without distinction between citizens and entrepreneurs, the change in the method of calculation, which would become four months instead of two months, and the final payment of the investment.

The guest of Parlons Vrai this Monday, May 6, Jeanny Marc refuted any idea of ​​secession from her side, she is not considered above the law.

What is important to me today is that the population of Deshaies is not mistreated as planned under this proposal made by the project office responsible for the transfer of this DSP. Tonight, as usual, I will inform the population of what is in store. I took my precautions anyway. I wrote to the prefect who is a member of this management committee. I sent a letter to the President of the Region, the President of the Department. The trade union council is the one that will decide by voting whether it will be held or not.

Therefore, against this “change in the management of production and drinking water supply services in Deshaies”, the mayor invites the population to an evening meeting at 6 pm on the Town Hall Square.

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