Abbadia castle-observatory, in Hendaye | Museums | Specific programs

Antoine d'Abbadie's castle-observatory in Hendaye

Antoine d’Abbadie (1810-1897) was a researcher, geographer, linguist and astronomer. He was also a defender of the Basque language and a protector of its culture.

A member of the Academy of Sciences and president in 1892, he bequeathed to him his estate near Hendaye. He made a donation to the Academy to finance astronomical work at the Abbadia Observatory.

When the Observatory closed in 1976, the Academy established the Antoine d’Abbadie Prize for Astronomy.
Antoine d’Abbadie’s castle, located on the Hendaye Plage, was built by Viollet-le-Duc and Edmond Duthoit between 1864 and 1879 in the Neo-Gothic style.

Its largest room was dedicated to the astronomical observatory. Classified as a historical monument, the château was the subject of an extensive restoration program from 1997 to 2008, with the support of the regional department of cultural affairs, the aid of the Aquitaine region, the department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques and the Rhône Poulenc Foundation /Institut de France and patrons.

Several partnership agreements concluded with educational institutions or associations reflect the educational mission of this museum.

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