Legislative. The French elections are alarming Europe, which fears a “destructive” outcome for the world

“The results of Sunday’s election will undoubtedly alarm many European capitals,” viewed from the United States The Washington Post after the first round of the French parliamentary elections, on Sunday June 30, marked by first place for the National Assembly according to estimates (33.5% of votes according to Ipsos Talan, at 9 p.m.).

“France is one of the original members of the European Union, its second largest economy and a driving force in EU affairs. THE RN he no longer advocates leaving the Union, but many of his proposals contradict EU policies, writes an American newspaper.

There are also concerns that a far-right victory could reduce support Ukraine and undermine the European attitude in the face Russia. Le Pen has already begun to question Macron’s authority in foreign policy and defense, citing the president’s more honorary role. he observes.

“No one has any illusions” in Brussels

This early voting “could have a strong impact across Europe and on markets, also emphasizes Politically Sunday evening.

The extreme right, skeptical of France’s role in NATO and the EU, has never been so close to power and has a good chance of forming a ‘cohabitation’ government under Macron’s presidency.

Such coexistence between the president and the government “having diametrically opposed views on almost every subject” risk of “put to the test” The Fifth Republic and its stability, he adds The Economist.

In this context, La Vanguardia expires in Spain anxiety and “deafening silence” from Brussels, where “No one has any illusions about the positions of Le Pen, who eight years ago enthusiastically applauded Brexit and encouraged the French to follow the same path, nor about the risks that the ultra-nationalist ideas of the RN represent for the EU”.

Catalan newspapers remind “(just one) of RN’s big promises, obviously inspired ‘british cheque’ which was requested by Margaret Thatcher at the time, consists in the request to reduce France’s annual contribution to the EU budget by two billion euros per year. A requirement that experts consider inapplicable, at least in the short term.

“Torpedoing the world order”

“Elections in France risk torpedoing the world order”, even states in columns of Politically British journalist John Lichfield.

These elections “it could be the most devastating since the war – not only for France, but also for the EU, the Atlantic Alliance and what remains of the post-1945 liberal world order.” he estimated before the first round.

“Given France’s leadership in the EU, its seat on the United Nations Security Council and the extent of its military power, this is equal ‘global election’ but the confrontation between Biden and Trump in November.”

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