Macron is doing his best to break the momentum of the National Gathering

Jupiter cannot be eclipsed. And certainly not by his greatest enemy, Marine Le Pen, the face of the far right in France. The French president is now doing his best by calling early parliamentary elections from which the far-right party has every chance of emerging as a big winner.

But these elections could also distract the President of the National Assembly (RN) who, more than anything else, has his sights set on the 2027 presidential election.

This is the challenge of the monumental bet that Emmanuel Macron has just launched spectacular victory of RN, Sunday. S (31.37% of votes, Lepénište party) gets more than twice as many votes as the presidential party.

RN has been announcing from the rooftops that it is for weeks “ready to rule” and to call for the dissolution of the National Assembly in the event of the defeat of the Renaissance Party in the European elections.

RN list leader Jordan Bardella has even offered his services as Macron’s prime minister in the event of a parliamentary majority.

Today, the French president puts an end to those post-victory insults by offering his opponents a chance to make their dreams come true.

A terribly risky calculation is based on the fact that the organization of parliamentary elections in three weeks could break the momentum of the extreme right in France.

Never in the history of Ve The far-right Republika has never seemed so close to power: it has never had so many MEPs in Strasbourg or MPs in the Palais-Bourbon, and polls show its ideas continue to make headway in new categories of the population.

Now the big question is whether Marine Le Pen will be able to pass the second round and win the presidential elections in 2027.

Brussels is crawling

The prospect of seeing Le Pen in the Champs-Élysées is causing shivers in Brussels, where it is believed that France’s move to the far right would pose serious threats to the survival of the European Union (EU).

If the ultra-nationalist leader has softened her image and toned down some of her incendiary Eurosceptic speeches, her party still occupies a marginal position on several issues.

On several occasions, the RN has abstained rather than voted to help Ukraine, its goal is to remove France from NATO’s integrated command, and it remains hostile to the many symbolic measures taken by the EU in recent years. On Sunday evening, Marine Le Pen gave a speech

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