Ranking of business schools in 2024


The 23 master’s-granting post-preparatory business schools listed by Le Figaro Étudiant are rated based on their academic level, international outlook and the employability or professional success of their graduates.


We took into account: state awards, accreditations, attractiveness for preparatory students, academic level of students and scientific publications of teachers.


The following were retained: the share of international students, graduates who found their first job outside of France, teachers with higher training abroad, accredited international academic partners, as well as presence in international rankings.


We looked at: salary and rate of permanent contract upon exit, the performance of younger companies, the size of the alumni network as well as the number of them on the executive boards of the CAC 40 or those who founded a start-up to success.

The sources of data and the method of calculating points are shown in detailed ranking methodology.

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