Recreational Medical Project Fails But New

In early April, the decision came down to Hawaii. The House Finance Committee has not given its approval for the legalization of recreational cannabis in the archipelago. According to them, this project deserves more study, especially for the impact on children’s safety, general well-being and the economy.

Ma Josh GreenGovernor of Hawaii (Democrat), is looking for other solutions to allow as many people as possible to have access to marijuana. Expand the pathologies that justify the need for medical cannabisa good idea, and a step towards freedom.

Find out the details of Project Hawaii for cannabis, on Le Cannabiste.

Rejection of the recreational cannabis project, but medical cannabis project!

In April 2024, Governor Josh Green, faced a major setback when the law to legalize recreational cannabis in Hawaii was rejected by the legislative chamber.

This failure, however, paved the way for a new initiative focused on public health. Responding to this defeat, Governor Green quickly proposed a significant expansion of medical marijuana lawwhich allows any individual suffering from any pathology to benefit from cannabis-based treatments, without being limited to a predefined list of conditions!

This new proposal aims to make medical cannabis accessible to more patients, underscoring the governor’s commitment to using medical cannabis as a public health tool, not “just” as a matter of personal freedom.

In this sense, the governor says that:

“It could make marijuana widely available — that is, marijuana — for those who choose it in their lives, and also keep children safe, which has been everyone’s priority.”

Hawaii Medical Marijuana Bill Details

The new bill introduced by Governor Josh Green therefore proposes to radically expand access to medical marijuana in Hawaii.

Unlike the current regulation, which limits the prescription of cannabis to patients suffering from specifically listed diseases, this law will allow any resident of the state to qualify for medical treatment with cannabis if it is deemed necessary by a certified medical professional .

The main purpose of this reform is to simplify the process of access to medical cannabis and to make it more inclusive, in response to the growing demands of citizens and health professionals. We can only welcome Mr. Green’s initiative!

The bill also provides for enhanced security measures to prevent unauthorized recreational use, in particular maintaining strict control over the amounts dispensed and prescription terms. That is normal and serious to avoid abuse of any kind.

Implications of this Bill for Residents

Hawaii’s medical marijuana project has the main goal of improving access for residents of this paradise state.

By eliminating the restrictive list of eligible conditions, this law would allow more patients to receive cannabis prescriptions for various conditions, thereby relieving their symptoms in a legal and regulated manner.

For residents, this represents a major step in access to assistance and personal control of their medical treatments.

This could avoid taking more conventional medications, which are not always good for your health. A nice green alternative, in short.

Hawaiian with a cannabis plant

Cannabis for therapeutic use: Hawaii VS France…

As Hawaii considers expanding its medical marijuana program, it is interesting to compare this approach with that of France, where medical marijuana is also regulated but remains strictly controlled.

In France, medical marijuana is only available to certain patients suffering from specific conditions and within the framework of highly regulated experiments, limiting its accessibility to a small (very small) part of the population.

On the Hawaii side, this represents a significantly more liberal approach, aimed at making medical marijuana available to anyone with a medical justification.

This contrast highlights the differences in public health policies and management of medical marijuana between the two regions, reflecting varying cultural and legal attitudes toward cannabis. Attitudes a thousand light years away.

In short, we need a Josh Green in France, to shake things up a bit, not slowly as is the case today…

The future of medical marijuana in Hawaii

The future of medical cannabis in Hawaii in the end it seems promising, although it was immediately rejected in terms of recreational use.

If Governor Josh Green’s bill is passed, it will mark a major turning point not only for patients looking for treatment alternatives, but also for lawmakers and health professionals who observe the impacts of such policies.

The Hawaiian government continues to prioritize safety as it seeks to offer more flexible and inclusive treatment options. In addition, robust measures for monitoring and controlling distribution will ensure that expansion does not compromise public safety.

Ultimately, this initiative could serve as a model for other states or countries seeking to reform their approach to medical marijuana, with an emphasis on accessibility and accountability.

The evolving situation in Hawaii will therefore be one to watch for defenders of the right to access cannabis worldwide…


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