Relax for a CBD user!

In a verdict that could resonate for a long time in the French legal annals, the Court of Appeal of Rennes has recently laid back a Breton trader, accused of driving under the influence after consuming CBD.

This decision, centered onlack of intentionality despite the presence of THC, it is a significant step forward towards the recognition of CBD consumer rights.

theCBD Professionals Union (UPCBD) welcomed this news with enthusiasm, seeing in this sentence the hope for a better legal distinction between CBD and THC.

This case raises crucial questions about the surrounding legislation CBD while drivingand in particular the review of THC limits while driving in France !

A little justice, on Le Cannabiste!

The context of the judgment

Here Court of Appeal of Rennes took a Historic decision in permanent release of a merchant from Pont-l’AbbĂ© in Brittany, convicted in the first instance of driving under the influence of drugs. This decision, which has become irrevocable due to lack of appeal by the attorney general, is hailed as a first by the community of CBD professionals.

According to Me Arnaud Bernardlawyer for the accused, the court ruled that to be an offense, the intention to consume narcotics must be proven, which was not the case here.

Paul Macleanpresident of the UPCBD, see in this potential judgment for jurisprudence. The court focused on intentionality rather than the simple presence of THC in the blood, contrary to a previous cassation decision that considered this presence sufficient to establish guilt.

The defense highlighted the defendant’s exclusive use of CBD products, supported by blood tests showing only inactive cannabis metabolites, as well as invoices and testimonies confirming his regular purchases of CBD.

This accumulation of evidence was decisive for the acquittal of the merchant, questioning the reliability of saliva tests and highlighting the need to legally distinguish between CBD and THC.

Details of the judicial decision

When the Court of Appeal of Rennes made his verdict, she not alone relaxed a CBD consumer ; set a new stage in the legal debate on cannabis. At the heart of his decision, one principle prevailed: the absence of intention to consume THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis. This nuance is fundamental, judges discerning between the intentional use of illicit substances and the accidental consumption of THC via legally purchased CBD products.

The court held that in order to be convicted of driving under the influence of drugs, intentionality must be established. This approach calls into question the effectiveness of saliva tests, often unable to distinguish between THC and CBD, and raises questions about their reliability as evidence in driving cases.

To highlight these shortcomings, the Court of Appeal requests a reassessment of the detection methods used during road checks, with a view to better respecting the rights of CBD consumers, who choose these products for a variety of reasons , without looking for the psychoactive effect. .

This decision represents a potential turning point, signaling a possible change in legal perspectives on the consumption of CBD and its distinction from THC in the context of guidance.

The young driver relaxed after consuming cbd

The impact of the UPCBD on this case

The intervention of theCBD Professionals Union (UPCBD) was decisive in this matter. The UPCBD provided support not only in terms of legal advice, but also in raising awareness of the important distinctions between CBD and THC.

His action helped enlighten the court on the scientific and legal aspects of CBD, helping to show that the consumer’s consumption of CBD should not be equated to that of illicit substances.

In addition, the UPCBD has played a key role in the public dialogue around this matter, putting the topic of CBD regulation and its differentiation from THC at the heart of the debates. This case highlights the importance of the collaboration between the players of the CBD sector and legal institutions to clarify the legislation and protect the rights of consumers!

Let us note, however, that it is a bit exaggerated to have to move heaven and earth for this type of decision in favor of CBD consumers to be taken … This point to a system that is almost obsolete in this type of situation It’s time to change things.

Legal Implications for CBD Consumers

The unprecedented decision of the Rennes Court of Appeal resonates beyond the individual case, signaling a potential turning point for CBD consumers In France. This case highlights the need for a clear and legal distinction between CBD, a legal non-psychoactive cannabinoid, and THC, associated with the psychotropic effects of cannabis.

Peru CBD usersThis judgment is a promising sign that the law could evolve to recognize and protect their right to consume legally, without fear of unfair repercussions during road checks.

In addition, this case highlights the importance of drug tests that accurately differentiate cannabinoids, thus avoiding convictions based on insufficient or flawed evidence. CBD consumers, who use this product for its many benefits, could see this judgment as a step towards greater legal clarity and increased safety in their daily lives.

The UPCBD’s positive reaction to the decision also suggests that the industry can push for broader legislative reforms, seeking to modernize cannabis laws to reflect current scientific knowledge and social attitudes towards CBD.

This verdict could therefore mark the beginning of an era where legislation surrounding cannabis more effectively distinguishes legal and beneficial products such as CBD from illegal substances.

It is time to leave CBD consumers alone, who for the most part are not even aware that they are consuming CBD products with THC levels higher than 0.3% effective, due to lack of laxity on the part of some sellers and producers (. but this is another subject)… Fortunately, this is far from being the case for all products, but we must keep in mind that this can happen, and that it is therefore appropriate to supply from reliable and recognized CBD stores .

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