The best preparatory classes according to the Figaro ranking 2024

Despite the new entry routes offered by big schools, the lion’s share is still reserved for approximately 80,000 brave people who try their luck in competitive exams every year after preparation. Foreigners excluded, 99% integratedHEC started that way in 2023; 93% forUniversity. In the Écoles Normales Supérieures, paid civil servant-trainee status is even reserved for those admitted through a competitive examination.

However, these schools of excellence require excellent preparation. The results of students in competitive exams vary greatly from one preparatory class to another. If their level at the end of the baccalaureate partially explains these differences, other factors come into play. Teaching obviously also has its role: why not the famous “star classes”, intended to prepare the best students of the institution for the most demanding competitions?

Here is our detail 2024 rankings of scientific and commercial preparations . At the end of the article, you will find the results of literary preparations using our dedicated tool.

Scientific preparation: the throne of Ginette, the breakthrough of Aux Lazaristes

high school Vincentians – La Salle takes first place in our first ranking for the new MPI sector thanks to the good results of its 13 students (6 to Telecom Paris4 on X, 1 on CentraleSupélecL’Ensymag and ENS Paris-Saclay). For a reason, everyone got a very good grade at the graduation, half with the congratulations of the jury. The establishment of the Brothers of Christian Schools also received second place in the MP.

The big winner on our list of scientific preparations, however, is not Lasallian but Jesuit. high school Sainte-Geneviève (or Ginette)with preparatory classes for 5 of the 7 classified sectors, the first is for three of them (MP, PC and BCPST), and the second for the remaining two (PSI and PT).

The institution in Versailles sent 102 of its students to the École Polytechnique in 2023, or almost a quarter of those enrolled in the prestigious engineering school. Here, too, matriculation has a good predictive value: Ginette’s science preparation students have the highest average on the state exam, with 19 out of 20.

HEC Preparatory School: Great performance by Grandchamp

On top of all that, Sainte-Geneviève is also at the top of the economic and commercial preparatory classes reserved for holders of the General Baccalaureate (ECG). However, another institution from Versailles is sending more students to HEC for the 2023 competition: Notre-Dame de Grandchamp high school. The private facility under contract climbs to fourth place in front of the prestigious one High school Henry IVdespite the significantly lower graduation average of its students (16.8 compared to 18.1).

This effect in EKG is associated with an undisputed dominance in ECT. 29 students from Grandchamp occupy 24 of the 103 places reserved for STMG baccalaureate graduates in the 4 best business schools (HEC, Essec, ESCP AND Edhec) in 2023. This number of places has more than doubled compared to the 2022 competition session.

Ranking of literary preparatory courses: Henri IV at the top, followed by Daniélou and Louis-le-Grand

Henri IV High School remains at the top of the literary preparation rankings. It must be said that the average for the matriculation of those who were admitted to Parcoursup is 18.4/20. Montagne Sainte-Geneviève school sent as many as 36 students to ENS Ulm, 21 to ENS Lyon and 9 students to HEC. To get detailed results by preparation, select the sector you are interested in using the tool below. Literary preparation has two directions: humanistic and social.

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