The mayor of Avallon Jamilah Habsaoui is released from prison

According to information from Yonne republicanthe mayor of Avallon Jamilah Habsaoui was released from detention this Tuesday, May 14, 2024. The elected official, still suspected of being involved in drug trafficking, was placed under judicial supervision.

Jamilah Habsaoui is free. The mayor of Avallon, suspected of being involved in drug trafficking, “got out of detention” this Tuesday, May 14, 2024, we learned Yonne republican through the voice of his lawyers, Me Florian Grigis of the Auxerre bar and Me Gaëlle Dumont, of the Paris bar. The elected official was placed under judicial supervision. However, she remains indicted for “possession and complicity in the supply or sale of narcotics”.

The lawyers of Jamilah Habsaoui had appealed the decision of the judge of freedom and detention, which had imprisoned the elected on April 10 in the detention center of Dijon (Côte-d’Or). According to our information, the placement under judicial supervision of the elected official was decided by the investigating judge in charge of the case.

The mayor of Avallon Jamilah Habsaoui was indicted for possession and complicity in the supply or sale of narcotics

The release was expected

However, the decision to release him was not a surprise according to Auxerre prosecutor Hugues de Phily. “Jamilah Habsaoui was released in accordance with an original schedule of agreement, with the investigating judge and the judge of liberty and detention,” he said. This time of incarceration was to allow the investigators to carry out investigative actions, although other investigations continue. “Besides, the investigating judge asked the public prosecutor’s office for an opinion on the release of Mayor Avallon and the public prosecutor’s office gave its agreement,” continues the magistrate.

Imprisoned since April 10, Jamilah Habsaoui retires from her mandate as mayor of Avallon

Tiphaine Sirieix

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