The purges in the Russian army continued, immediately the chief of staff was arrested

Lieutenant General Vadim Shamarin, head of the Main Directorate of Communication of the Russian Armed Forces and the head of the General Staff, was arrested in connection with a criminal case of alleged fraud.

The Russian Investigative Committee arrested Lieutenant General Vadim Shamarin, head of the Main Directorate of Communication of the Russian Armed Forces and the head of the General Staff, Russian media.

According to press reports, Shamarin was arrested in connection with a criminal case of alleged fraud. The general was searched, then taken for questioning to the Main Directorate of Military Investigation of the Investigative Committee.

“On May 22, the court decided to impose a coercive measure on Shamarin in the form of two-month detention. He is accused of part 6 of article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (acceptance of a corruption on a particularly large scale), “a court spokeswoman told the TASS news agency.

Recently, several criminal cases involving officials of the Russian Ministry of Defense have been brought to public attention, notes Jellyfish. In late April, Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov was arrested in Moscow and accused of accepting bribes.

In May, Yury Kuznetsov, head of the ministry’s personnel department, was arrested; he is also accused of accepting bribes. In addition, the former commander of the 58th army, Ivan Popov, who criticized the Russian Ministry of Defense, was arrested – officially, in connection with a fraud case, although observers do not exclude political censorship.

The most visible symbol of its purges has become the recent replacement of the same Defense Minister, powerful and faithful Sergei Shoigu, by a personal adviser of President Putin, the economist Andreï Belousov.

The official version – the military budget in this third year of the war against Ukraine continues to grow and must be better managed. Officially, sources indicate rampant corruption in the Russian Ministry of Defense.

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