The role of algorithms in promoting non-American cultural content

Yes, such cooperation between countries is necessary. Currently, states are often in a situation of making up for lost time in the face of the rapid development of digital technologies. New applications and technological advances follow one another at breakneck speed, often exceeding the capacity of states to legislate and regulate.

Therefore, I think the way to consider would be consultation between states to move forward together and mutually inspire each other with best practices in terms of regulations. That’s why we organized this symposium on the cultural life of digital giants, bringing together experts from Canada, France, Belgium and Quebec to foster a common perspective and fruitful exchanges.

GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft) is acting in contravention of applicable laws, as evidenced by Meta’s decision to withdraw from the agreement concluded with the Australian government. Here, Meta pointed his finger at Bill C-18. This situation highlights the need for collective action by states to enforce the rules of the game.

In my book Digital Barbarians: Resisting the GAFAM Invasion, published two years ago, I called for resistance to the growing influence of these web giants. However, today we must consider solutions for a fair coexistence with them or explore the possibilities to free ourselves from their dominance.

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