This town in Sarthe, which has been called the Venice of the West, is a real treasure of Perche

Do you know La Ferté-Bernard, this charming medieval town located in the department of Sarthe?

Called the “Venice of the West”, this city in Perche has many surprises in store for you and is worth a visit.

Rich and preserved historical heritage

La Ferté-Bernard has no shortage of attractions for lovers of history and architecture. Among the must-see places to discover:

  • The Church of Notre-Dame des Marais, a jewel of sumptuous Sarto Gothic
  • Castle of the Counts of Perche, a symbol of feudal power
  • Old wooden houses testifying to the importance of the town in the Middle Ages

As you walk along the stone streets, you will be seduced by the picturesque and authentic atmosphere that reigns in these places.

Little Venice of the West: a legend of unclear origin

According to local legend, La Ferté-Bernard has 365 bridges, the number of days in the year. Although this figure may make you smile, the fact remains that this city is crossed by a complex network of canals, which is why it earned its evocative nickname.

The Cosson, Even and Narais are the three rivers that cross the Ferté-Bernard and offer visitors a bucolic setting for boat trips or on foot along the coast. You can also admire the laundries and mills that line these waterways.

An ideal geographical location for exploring the region

Located just 45 minutes from Le Mans and 2 hours from Paris, La Ferté-Bernard is the travel destination of choice discovery of the Pays de la Loire and Perche Sarthois:

  • Visit Le Mans, famous for its 24 Hours and Cité Plantagenêt
  • Discover the charms of Perche with its castles, forests and stables
  • Enjoy a family holiday at Épau Abbey or Flèche Zoo

Don’t forget the local markets eitherwhere you will find Sarthois culinary specialties: rillettes, poultry from the farm, pastries…

Various activities for all tastes

Finally, La Ferté-Bernard offers a diverse range of activities to satisfy all desires:

  • Guided tours to deepen knowledge about the history of the city
  • Workshops and activities for children, especially in the Parc des Pâtis
  • Hiking or cycling to explore the surrounding area in nature
  • Cultural and festive events throughout the year: exhibitions, concerts, traditional fairs, etc.

In short, La Ferté-Bernard is a destination full of charm that will seduce you with its preserved heritage, picturesque landscapes and numerous activities. Don’t hesitate to stop by there during your next stay in Sarthe!

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