Travel for hours through ancient Rome with these beautiful 3D reconstructions!

The era of the technological boom seems to be in favor of researchers from the University of Caen. Within a platform called Cireve, Norman academics are working to put virtual reality at the service of science, specifically reconstructing entire sections of ancient Rome in 3D.

In the corridors of the University of Caen, a team of researchers and engineers is working tirelessly on an acceptable historical reconstruction of ancient Rome. No university textbooks or theme park-style shows here, but extensive use of what current technologies can offer. The Cireve, the Interdisciplinary center of virtual realityregularly posts videos on platform YouTubewith 3D reconstructions of the Eternal City at its peak in IVe century, during the reign of Constantine. It offers students, experts and the general public the opportunity to admire the wonders of Rome almost 2,000 years ago.

20th century model and video game engine as a working base

Created in 2006, Ulcers consists of six members, each with a specialization, from neuroscience to geography to 3D engineering. The program was developed focusing on the reference model produced between 1908 and 1942 byan architectan architect Frenchman Paul Bigot. The latter then designed a 1/400 scale reconstruction of the capital of the Roman Empire. Massive model, surface 70 m2from which there is a view of Rome from the beginning of the 4th centurye century, during the reign Emperor Constantine.

A solid foundation for Cireve engineers, one of whose first videos was published on YoutubeYoutube Jul 22, 2013 In 38 seconds we watch academics manipulate to recreate part of an ancient city using CryEngine 3, developed by developer Crytekincluding a series of games Crisis is the main undertaking of arms. And in ten years, Cireve has proven to be particularly prolific, constantly improving the 3D rendering of his reconstructions.

A virtual tour of the revolving dining room built by Nero and other projects of this “engineering-mad” emperor. © Ulcers

Virtual reality in the service of history

Not only are Norman University researchers publishing their progress online for free, but they’re taking turns at conferences to talk about the “Roman Plan.” Marking a project to reconstruct Bigot’s model, the Rome Plan also enables academics to organize ” nightnight “. These events, which take place at the University of Caen’s House of Human Sciences Research, are also broadcast InternetInternet and support the technical and historical aspects of these achievements.

Cireve’s work is also available at virtual realityvirtual reality clean, the program could be developed with new technologies. With an impressive room within the university campus and several locations dedicated to projects in development, Cireve also uses virtual reality headset, providing a nomadic dimension. And allowing volunteers to wander by the streets of ancient Rome in which time it would not have eroded the monuments. Cireve emphasizes its historical aspect, but in addition to virtual reconstructions of destroyed cities and churches, several people work on other scientific disciplines, such as biology or neuroscience. In a university world that sometimes suffers from technological lag, Cireve effectively uses virtual reality in the service of science… And time travel!

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