Viper, snake… snakes are active in the spring: how do you react when you meet one?

Inactive in the winter, the snakes come out as soon as the temperatures are milder. What should you do if you find a reptile in your home? How do you tell the difference between a viper and a snake? What to do if bitten? Let’s take stock.

As spring approaches, chances are you’ll decide to take a walk on the trails of the region… where you might meet a snake. Viper? Snake? What attitude should you adopt? We will explain.

How do you tell the difference between vipers and snakes?

There is no need to rely on color or pattern. “These elements vary from one individual to another,” assures Gaëlle Caublot, naturalist. “It’s genetic. It’s like us, we can be blond or brown.” First parameter to take into account: the shape of the body. “In the viper, it’s the shape of a sausage, big and flabby. The body and tail are easily differentiated, it is similar to a small worm. This is not the case with the snake, which has a refined body. »

“If you find snake eggs in your garden, they can only belong to grass snakes. Vipers are viviparous.”

Gaëlle Caublot (empty)

Getting a little closer, the head of the snake can help determine the species. And more precisely the stairs. “Snakes have large scales, they have only one row between the eye and the jaw. On the contrary, vipers have very small scales.” The eyes are also an essential element. “The pupils are round in snakes, and cut in vipers. They also give the impression of frowning (this is just an impression, vipers do not have eyelashes). »

You can distinguish the round pupils of grass snakes.

Where do we have a chance (or risk, depending) to meet snakes?

Depending on the species, these reptiles live in all kinds of environments. The Peliad viper, for example, prefers the humid areas of the north of the department. Conversely, the asp viper flourishes more in bocage areas, which are drier and more rocky. As for the viper snake, your only chance to see it is to swim: it only lives under water. On the other hand, the green and yellow snake is found almost everywhere.

“Snakes are very territorial and do not move much. Their territory is often limited to ten square kilometers. They only make major movements in May/June during the breeding season and at birth.”

Gaëlle Caublot (empty)

More generally, snakes like to live in ecotone environments, transition zones. “These are the places that allow them both to hide from the sun and from predators, but also to move to the sun and eat.” Hedges, forest edges and other walls represent these transition zones.

If you like these critters, and you want to see a pile of wood or a pile of stone. On the contrary, it is better for people who are terrified of the stones to keep out of the garden chickens. “They attack them”, emphasizes the naturalist.

Look at the thermometer. We can also warn you: there is no chance of seeing a snake in winter. “It cannot regulate its temperature, and it cannot produce its own heat,” continues the naturalist. “When the temperature is too low, it cannot move because its muscles are not active.”

The snake will like between 12 and 27 degrees. Beyond this, it is too hot for him. There is also a risk of dehydration. “He will then try to hide and cool down. Home basements are excellent places for this. » Snakes move mainly to reproduce, eat, but also to avoid predators.

What is the best reaction to have if you find a snake (and fear it)?

You know, first of all, that the viper is very cowardly. “She only bites when she’s scared and feels threatened,” explains Gaëlle Caublot. “Her first instinct is to flee. She is not naturally aggressive, and she has no interest in taking on something bigger.” the ground with your foot. The viper is deaf, and will not hear any cry of fear. On the other hand, she will feel the vibrations on the ground when it touches the ground. »

What to do if bitten?

As noted above, snakes bite when they feel threatened. If the snake has no poison, the viper. But do not be afraid, one in two times “bite dry”. “For the viper, the use of the poison requires energy, which it prefers to keep for hunting or to reproduce”, continues Gaëlle Caublot.

In the event that the bite is envenomed, note that vipers cause only one death every five to eight years for 1,000 bites per year. “We will not die in five minutes,” reassures the naturalist. “It takes several hours before it becomes problematic. The most vulnerable to viper bites are children and the elderly.”

“It is impossible to be allergic with snake venom.

Gaëlle Caublot (empty)

Vipers have hemotoxic venom. In other words, it has an impact on the blood. “It can destroy the blood vessels and cause swelling of the limbs,” warns the naturalist. The latter therefore recommended to go to the hospital as soon as possible, after disinfecting the wound. If no poison is found, simple disinfection will suffice.

In the opposite case, there are two stages. “The first corresponds to a local swelling or a limb. In this case, an analgesic or an antiseptic is applied. The second stage is that of generalized edema, treated with serum. “Finally, it is useless to try to suck the poison with the mouth, at risk of infecting it.

Is it possible to kill a snake?

Since January 2021, all snake species have been protected in mainland France.
The text prohibited to kill, but also to capture or disturb all species of snakes present on the territory, recalls the
National Forestry Office, besides moving them, even dead, or altering their natural environment. A sentence of 3 years in prison and a fine of 150,000 euros can be imposed.

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