Water in the fuel? Dozens of drivers break down after passing through this gas station

Drivers had no idea that their vehicles would break down when they left the gas station. However, this is what happened to them in Morbihan. The fault would be the quality of the fuel.

After visiting a supermarket service station in Sérent, near Ploërmel in Morbihan, to fill up with fuel, dozens of drivers had to block their vehicles which broke down.

Testimonials from some owners of these cars claimed that at first they thought it was just a trivial problem.

The vehicles lacked traction, presented ” mockery » and difficulties in moving forward. Supermarket customer Nancy says her car lost power immediately.

A red light appeared on the dashboard of his vehicle with the words ” fuel filter problem “. The mechanic must have noticed that drivers coming to his house were complaining about the same malfunction.

Then a diesel connection is established for dozens of vehicle owners who all come to refuel at the same gas station.

The manager of the supermarket, James Billy, indicated that the problem was actually the same gas station, but the causes still remain unknown. “It’s definitely coming from us, but we don’t know the reasons yet. “, he confirmed.

This may actually be caused by poor quality fuel found in the basements of the gas station or it may be caused by a sealing problem.

In any case, Nancy, a supermarket customer whose vehicle was impounded due to the same problem, claimed that a sensor in her car had detected water.

Questioning the quality of the fuel, the drivers want compensation

Motorists who have had to take their vehicles to a workshop rely on the supermarket’s insurance to cover the cost of repairs. But in the meantime, they’ll still have to pay the mechanic themselves to get their cars back.

Finally, Morbihan drivers are not the only ones to have had an accident related to fuel quality.

In mid-April, in Touques, Calvados, dozens of drivers saw their vehicles’ engines damaged because gasoline and diesel were reversed at the pump. In Tarbes, about 50 cyclists had a similar accident.

The engines of their machines presented problems after filling with diesel instead of unleaded 98.

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