Which seniors will benefit from Majex’s exceptional increase between now and September?

Old-age pensions regularly have various increases that allow for an increase in income. From now until September, former pensioners who announced their departure before September 2023 should take advantage of an exceptional increase called “Majex”.

Thanks to the increase in the contribution minimum, about 1.8 million pensioners will receive an increase in their pension of up to 100 euros.

But in October 2023, only 500,000 small pensioners benefited from this increase, the amount of which is 50 euros on average.

As a reminder, “minimum contributions allow retirees from the general social insurance program for old age who have been paying contributions on low wages to receive a minimum amount of the basic pension,” the public service says on its website.

Pensioners whose pension has not yet been increased can rest easy. The revaluation should arrive by September 2024.

In any case, this is what Cnav director Renaud Villard said last March.

Eligible retirees will receive an email

It is important to state that in order to access this revaluation, the pensioner in question must achieve a pension rate of at least 50% with the confirmation of a total of 120 quarters.

As for the payment for all pensioners who are entitled to it, the “Majex” payment schedule has not been announced. “There are no alerts on the calendar,” Cnav replied to Moneyvox.

During the next two summer months, many pensioners qualify for an exceptional increase Majex they should receive an email stating the amount they are entitled to.

The amount of compensation for the missing months should also be mentioned in this letter sent by Cnav to its policyholders.

In addition to this deadline, which has been extended, the government’s promise of an increase of 100 euros per month MICO it will not benefit everyone either.

Namely, only pensioners who have worked all their lives in the private sector (either as self-employed or in the agricultural sector) and whose income was the minimum wage can have access to those additional 100 euros.

An ex-employee of the private and public sector therefore cannot claim this complete revaluation.

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